Synergy Digital


Synergy Digital

Originally hired by Synergy Global Housing in 2016 for an entry level marketing specialist position. Leadership quickly identified my writing and digital marketing capabilities and gave me corporate communications and content marketing responsibilties.


Was part of a 3-person team (along with our Creative Director and Graphic Designer) responsible for updating Synergy’s corporate website. Duties included all copy, customer pathing and SEO optimization.

Corporate Blog and Social Media Strategy

As Marketing Project Specialist for Synergy Global Housing, I was tasked with social media responsibilities. Rather than focus on all of the major platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), I recognized that the bulk of the B2B housing provider’s clients were made up of Executive Assistants, HR Coordinators, and Mobility Managers. This audience preferred to get their B2B messaging through LinkedIn.

I revised the organization’s social media efforts to prioritize LinkedIn posts and content. Content would focus more on the challenges faced by our clients, and aim to position Synergy as a leader in the corporate housing industry. This led to the creation of the redesigned corporate blog, which pumped out content especially crucial to international business travelers.

This strategy paid off as the brand doubled its LinkedIn followers in 2017. The content also helped position our sales team as experts in their field. Most of our sales team had a larger following on LinkedIn than Synergy, so the LinkedIn content was also pushed through their personal newsfeeds, helping both the sales team and the company position itself as an industry leader.

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