Synergy Branding


Synergy Global Housing Branding Projects

Branding responsibilities for real estate projects (multifamily housing).

The Synergy Collection

The emergence of sourcing platforms and technologies within the Corporate Housing industry has shifted the customer buying process. Relocation managers and company Mobility Directors had more knowledge at their fingertips and they were ready to leverage that into lower prices.

Sensing a need to combat price compare sites such as AirBnb or ReloQuest, Synergy launched The Synergy Collection, a line of sub-brands, each with a tiered system that took into account pricing and quality of the housing unit.

  • Experience: High-end properties with resort-style atmosphere and amenities.
  • Elevate: Exceptional communities with an expansive suite of amenities.
  • Elements: Quality offerings that offer clients with their eye on the bottom line better price control.

The Experience @Ironworks

Around the same time that Synergy was launching its Collections packages, it also acquired the leasing rights for all 45 units of a newly-constructed apartment complex. This gave Synergy the opportunity to create its own branded building.

This new building met the criteria for for being an EXPERIENCE property and sat on the site of an old ironworks plant in Sunnyvale, California, so the building was branded ‘The Experience @Ironworks.’

Synergy and Experience signage was placed throughout the property and a lavish event marketing promotion was held prior to the first guest move-in (see pics below).

I was also responsible for creating the content for all marketing materials, including sales collateral and guest neighborhood guides.

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